News & Stories

Dad & Son ride their bikes from Bern to Singapore to raise money for diabetes relief

Bernhard and Nicolas Keller from Simon Keller AG have a very special project: they ride their gravel bikes more than 15,000 km from Bern to Singapore. The goal is not only the mental and physical challenge, but the two want to draw attention to the increasing metabolic disease diabetes.
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In 2003, Bernhard Keller took over his parents' business, Simon Keller AG. His son Nicolas also works in the company. The specialist shop for cosmetics in Burgdorf (Switzerland) has a lot to do with podiatry and diabetic feet for professional reasons. Of course, over the years, it has been noticeable that diabetes is on the increase and that 7 percent of the Swiss population is now affected.

Ben and Nicolas want to set an example with their action. The extreme bike tour is intended to draw attention to the metabolic disease and point out the great influence of sport and exercise. Last but not least, donations should be collected for diabetesschweiz. The aid organization is committed to helping people with diabetes and their families.

More about the adventurous bike ride can be found on the Dad & Son website.

We at Rubis Switzerland wish you the best of luck and success for this incredible campaign and are supporting the project with a donation of CHF 1,000.

All the best to Ben & Nicolas!

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